Teaching the Brain to Read

Posted by aditamarezki On 2:43 PM

Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension is a great resource of integrated information. Both brain research and reading research have been a source of great debate, and both with a potential for developing a template for learning to read and teaching how to learn to read. Dr. Willis has undertaken an extremely difficult task presenting both brain and reading research and translating the findings in a manner that would be invaluable for all educators and parents. 

Dr. Willis' book is unique in that it presents big ideas and strategies to promote children's "reading brains" integrates a fine linguistic grain and emphasizes the wonderful capacities of children. The knowledge gained from this book is well worth the read. 

Dr Willis is to be commanded for presenting the research data in a manner that is responsible and clear on the limits of what is known and what might be inferred from the findings. What we know about cognitive functions must at some point be compatible with neuroscience findings. Dr. Willis has demonstrated the compatibility of neuroscience research with strategies to promote successful reading. 

Dr. Jules Zimmer 
Dean Emeritus, University of California Graduate School of Education

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